Our Products

Love any of the products we used during your more recent visit? Lets us know, and we would be happy to make them available to you for purchase. Your amazing experience does not need to end when you leave, and you can bring it home with you!

Nordic Naturals

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Nordic Naturals set out to develop a manufacturing process that would make good on its ethos of delivering high-quality nutrients rooted in Nordic tradition, beginning with fresh, pure fish oil products with high omega-3 value.


Herb Pharm

Herb Pharm’s mission is to create the highest quality herbal extracts products possible, and is committed to educating people on how to practice effective herbalism.

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Seven Forests

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The Institute for Traditional Medicine (ITM) introduced Seven Forests’ traditional Chinese herbal formulas in 1986, offering hundreds of carefully formulated products based on centuries of herbal knowledge and practice.


Integrative Therapeutics

Integrative medicine is a collaboration of therapies from conventional and complementary medicine. Integrative practitioners look beyond symptoms to identify and address the root cause and work hand in hand with patients to develop a plan of care. This collaborative, wellness-driven approach often includes clinical nutrition - both through diet, and nutritional supplementation – and that’s where Integrative Therapeutics come in.


Douglas Laboratories


For over 60 years, Douglas Laboratories® has been dedicated to meeting the needs of healthcare professionals and is recognized as a leader in the development of high quality, science-based, innovative nutritional supplements across 12 health functions that support healthy lifestyles.


Jarrow Formulas


The goal of Jarrow Formulas® is to promote optimal health with high-quality, effective, affordable, and superior formulation of dietary supplements. Our staff of scientists and health professionals are actively involved in clinical studies and continually work with researchers from universities and institutes around the world. Jarrow Formulas® strives to provide the best service and technical information to consumers.


As well as many more products